I prepared a map showing the interseismic coupling model obtained by Chlieh et al (2011). It shows an asperity located just there in same place of the rupture area of the 8.2Mw 1st Apr. earthquake. This map shows also the focal mechanisms solutions from the USGS, for the mainshock 8.2Mw and the recent 7.6Mw event, that seems to have broken another southward small asperity, which has been mapped also by the coupling model. The epicentral location of these events is denoted by the yellow and green stars, respectively. The foreshocks (10 days before the mainshock) and the aftershocks so far (2nd Apr), were taken from the Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile, and are showed in blue stars.
Note that south of the rupture area of this large earthquake, there is still a considerable asperity that has not broken yet, which correlates with the presumed rupture area of the past 1877 (~M8.5). An important amount of stored energy will be released there... when???...